I was in a hurry this morning. I couldn't sleep the night before. I reread The Winter's Tale.
We were as twinned lambs, that did frisk in the sun. And bleat the day the one to the other.
Its one of the best explanations of boyhood friendship I have ever encountered. Yeah... Anyway, i was late and shaved on the quick. Slapped on some aftershave. Combing my hair I smelled it for the first time. My dad and I both used Stetson. Me not very often. I did it absentmindedly. It is the first time I have done it since. I can't describe the way I felt. I sat down on the old Faucet rocking chair and sobbed like an infant. I couldn't stop the images in my mind and they just made it worse. I won't make that mistake again.
Appleseed schedule was updated today. They have the Bedford shoots listed and I couldn't be happier. My woman, my RIFLEwoman I should say, was the first to sign up for them. She is intent on shooting Rifleman with iron sights. I couldn't be prouder. On a good day she is a 230+ shooter. She isn't as consistent as I am, she has bad days that are way worse than mine, but I would put her marksmanship up against anybody.
I will wear my red hat at the Bedford shoots, and probably any Riley shoots. The woman is going to put me on a pitch count, she says no more than 8 'seeds. I say 12. The negotiations are heated. I offered all Bedford or closer shoots plus 6 and she countered with plus 2. I said that was crap. We are working it out.
I want to do at least two shoots out of state this year. I hear good things about Meanstreaker in Ohio. All of the Indiana instructors who have mentored me say I should work with him, and he seemed like a decent enough feller when I met him at the Riley shoot, but Kentucky needs the help worse than Ohio. Mudcat likes my DOM so I may go work a couple with that old boy.
I am, however, done instructing for this year. It is 10 degrees and yet somehow I got rained on. Techres and I are working on a plan to push the AS on the local college students bodies. I have been 7th stepping a lot this year with no real results. Tough crowd I reckon. Students don't trust me because i am a grad student. Faculty doesn't trust me because...I don't want to get into it. I will keep at it. Student teaching will slow me down but I have a long-term plan to get the IUPD and ROTC. The Judo Club might get into it if I can convince a few of the heavy hitters. CodySensei is down, that is huge. The older players understand the attraction, the amalgamation of eastern and western philosophy that Kano Jigoro handed out is right on target with NPOA shooting. I just need to get them into it and get rifles in their hands. The younger kids just came to judo to learn to fight and can't figure out why and ancient 30 something, out of shape dude is cutting off the supply of blood to their brains. Maximum efficiency with minimum effort.
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